Please see the latest Participant Manual and the current cover letter sent out with each run, where these are also covered.
The Participant Update letter sent out before the start of the EQA year in April contains the proposed schedule. Prior to the dispatch of slides an email will be sent to each participant to inform them about it.
If they haven’t arrived after a week of the dispatch date (longer for some overseas participants) please email the Scheme for advice:
Slides can still be assessed, but please remember that we also require you to submit your protocols, so if the run has been closed, this will prevent you from doing so.
N.B. We currently handle around 5,000 slides per run, therefore prompt arrival of slides greatly aids the sorting and organisation of the assessments.
Contact the Scheme to request replacement slides. You will be asked for:
1) Your Participation Code
2) Your name
3) The reason for your request
You will not be sent any samples unless this is provided.
There is a formal appeals process through which you may submit your slides for reassessment.
They will be reassessed by a team of assessors at the next assessment run.
If you wish to submit your slides for reassessment, complete the Reassessment Form that you can download from our ‘Useful Forms’ section of our Participant Area. To go to that section now: CLICK HERE.
Before asking for a reassessment ensure you have looked at your slides alongside your report, and compared them with the images of optimal staining for the antibody in question.
Be aware that your reassessed marks can go down as well as up.
Formal complaints must be submitted to the Scheme Director (or Quality Manager if they involve the Director).
They must be submitted using the designated Complaints Form.
The form you need is available from the ‘Useful Forms’ section of our Participant Area. To go to that section now: CLICK HERE.
You should expect to receive a response to a complaint within 10 working-days.
Each laboratory will have a main contact. This person will be sent your unique web entry logon and password details. We can also include additional contacts who will be added to the scheme’s database and receive important scheme information by email. Send an email request to the scheme at: with a valid email address; ideally this should come from the main contact to ensure confidentiality.
There is an ‘Email Reminder’ button at the bottom of the Participant Login screen. If you are not the main contact, your email request may need to be copied to the main contact, in order for us to release an ID or password.
You are supplied with a Participation Code, Lab ID, and password when you register with the scheme. We normally only change a password when there is a change of main contact. If you wish to change the password for any other reason, please contact the scheme.
The scheme is always happy to provide participants with feedback and any technical advice where possible. Please send your slides addressed to the scheme Manager, ideally in a separate envelope from your EQA submissions with a covering letter. We will endeavour to respond to you as soon as we are able. Or you can contact any of the scheme’s support staff if you feel you have a specific query (module) that they may be able to help you with.
We try and select markers which the majority of participants use. If you do not stock an antibody, contact the scheme who will recommend an alternative. Only markers given by the scheme will be eligible for assessment. Please send in a hard copy of your protocols with your slides. If for any reason you do not stock the alternative marker either you will simply not be assessed. There are no penalties for a non-submission in these circumstances.
This ‘Offer of Assistance’ letter is not part of the Poor Performance process. This is to make you aware that you have had a recent failed score in a particular module, and that a subsequent failed slide in the same module, may mean that you will be identified as a Poor Performer. You are not obliged to do anything, but you may wish to contact the scheme, and re-evaluate your protocols to prevent any repeat sub-optimal results.