
Monitor your IHC staining consistency between EQA runs with the UK NEQAS ICC & ISH – Qualitopix initiative.

The Problem

The clinical utility of any given tissue biomarker is linked to the assay’s analytical sensitivity and its reproducibility. However, 25-30% of assays for key predictive markers fail to meet minimum proficiency standards. Often resulting in false negative results, with the potential to significantly impact patient treatment decisions.

Participation in EQA schemes like ours has repeatedly been shown to help laboratories in their quest to achieve high quality performance. But our assessment runs only happen 3 times a year, making it difficult for you to be assured of consistent quality, day-in-day-out.

The Solution

Recognising the need for a solution to the problem of continuous quality monitoring we have identified Qualitopix, a laboratory software solution that bridges the gap.

We are excited and proud to be able to announce the launch of a unique partnership between UK NEQAS ICC & ISH and Visiopharm which makes Qualitopix available to you and your laboratory.

Visiopharm’s innovative Qualitopix solution enables daily and continuous measuring, monitoring, and documentation of staining consistency/quality, promptly identifying and addressing any deviations. When coupled with the rigorous four-monthly assessments you undertake with us, your laboratory can be confident of end-to-end quality assurance monitoring.

  • To watch a short video of Qualitopix in action: CLICK HERE


Want to see how Qualitopix could fit in your lab’s QC routine? For further information: CLICK HERE

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